Friday, September 27, 2013

Help me join in the fight to help fight against Leukemia. I am trying to raise $100.00 or more.

I need your help. I am walking with my girlfriend to help support her father. All I need to raise is a $100 for the walk next week. Any help is greatly appreciated!!
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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

You can now purchase wildlife prints from Essence of Soul Photography ;)

Ok so if you didn't know I do have a electronic store where you can buy coffee mugs and such.

Essence of Soul Photography Coffee Mugs......

Monday, September 9, 2013

Great Quote !!!!

"Ultimately photography is about who you are. It's the seeking of truth in relation to yourself. And seeking truth becomes a habit."

Leonard Freed

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Tips for capturing Meteor Showers on the Eastern seaboard.

Eastern states viewing of meteor showers will peak prior to the proposed time the last meteor shower produced the most over charlotte between 9 and 1 am  and after that it died down. Shooting with a 50 prime lens can be beneficial with the use of a tripod of course. I also recommend heading out to the country so there is less light pollution and an open field is best.... You of course shoot with a wider lens too but you will want to watch your screen to dial in your exposure time of the skies. You will also want to keep your focus on one section of the sky versus trying to move around to other sections of the sky you will have the best results.